Part Number Scheme
Use the part number scheme for product identification only.
Do not use it for the order process because not all features can always be combined among each other.
*See connector options feedback, I/O, and brake availability on the following page.
Example AKD2G-SPE-7V06S-A1IO-0000
AKD2G IP20 housing, position indexer, EtherCAT, 240 V to 480 V mains supply, 6 A rated current, single axis, Plattform Revision A, dual channel STO SIL2 PLd, with additional I/O connector X22, uncoated, no mating connectors.
Example AKD2G-SPE-6V03D-A1F3-A000-A
AKD2G IP20 housing, position indexer, EtherCAT, 120 V to 240 V mains supply, 2 x 3 A rated current, dual axis, Plattform Revision A, dual channel STO SIL2 PLd, with all possible connectors (X21 + X22 + X23), PCBs coated, with mating connectors.
Example AKD2G-SPE-7V06S-A2F3-0000
AKD2G IP20 housing, position indexer, EtherCAT, 240 V to 480 V mains supply, 6 A rated current, single axis, Plattform Revision A, safe stop functionality SIL3 PLe with FSoE, with all possible connectors (X21, X22, X4, X5, X23), uncoated, no mating connectors.
Example AKD2G-SPE-6V06D-A2F3-A000-A
AKD2G IP20 housing, position indexer, EtherCAT, 120 V to 240 V mains supply, 2 x 6 A rated current, dual axis, Plattform Revision A, safe stop functionality SIL3 PLe with FSoE, with all possible connectors (X21, X22, X23), PCBs coated, with mating connectors.
Example AKD2G-SPE-7V06D-A3F3-0000
AKD2G IP20 housing, position indexer, EtherCAT, 240 V to 480 V mains supply, 2 x 6 A rated current, dual axis, Plattform Revision A, Safe Motion Functionality SIL3 PLe with FSoE, with all possible connectors (X21, X22, X23), uncoated, no mating connectors.
Example AKD2G-SPE-6V03S-A3F3-A000-A
AKD2G IP20 housing, position indexer, EtherCAT, 120 V to 240 V mains supply, 3 A rated current, single axis, Plattform Revision A, Safe Motion Functionality SIL3 PLe with FSoE,with all possible connectors (X21, X22, X4, X5, X23), PCBs coated, with mating connectors.
Connector Options Availability